Iskandar Malaysia’s mobility system both crossing into Singapore and throughout the rest of the region, is experiencing substantial levels of congestion. The current inefficiencies of the mobility system are a cause of concern, economically, environmentally and socially. High reliance on private motorised transport infringes on productivity due to time and money lost travelling and moving goods. Greenhouse gas emissions, particulate matter, air, and noise pollution are creating a stressful and unhealthy urban environment. Although Iskandar Malaysia is heavily investing in public transport, for example through the introduction of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system and the development of a mobility planner application, the need remains to optimise the road network. To prevent the continuation of road expansions, traffic needs to be managed and planned more effectively. In response to these needs, a Smart Integrated Mobility Management System (SIMMS) will be developed. The proposed SIMMS will be designed to serve as a key foundation for a sustainable mobility system in Iskandar Malaysia by supporting day-to-day traffic operations as well as long-term transport planning.
To ensure the effective utilisation of the data collected by SIMMS, as well as other sources, the second component of the project is focused on Creating Enabling Conditions for Data Utilisation and Management for Evidence-based Urban and Transport Planning. Operational management and long-term planning require a reliable database that enables planners to find evidence-based solutions to the urbanisation challenges of the region. This project component will improve capacity in Iskandar Malaysia to use smart technologies and data analysis to inform future spatial and transportation plans. It connects directly with the Iskandar Malaysia Urban Observatory (IMUO) by creating a framework and building the necessary capacity to enable the integrated use of data across sectors and authorities. Through an integrated approach of informing both urban and transport planning, the project aims to be able to tackle issues such as the lack of accessibility and connectivity in the region, which threatens to heighten social exclusion particularly for those who cannot or do not drive.
Objectives of Intervention 1 – Implementation Strategy for Iskandar Malaysia’s Smart Integrated Mobility Management System include:
– Optimisation of Iskandar Malaysia’s road network in terms of capacity and efficiency;
– Minimisation of traffic congestion, GHG emissions, air and noise pollution;
– Efficiency gains for private and public sector, as well as private individuals regarding travel times and cost;
– Data-driven efficiency gains in the public sector in terms of mobility management; and
– Data collection to contribute to evidence-based urban and transport planning in line with the Programme objectives.
Objectives of Intervention 2 – Enabling Data Utilisation and Data Management for EvidenceBased Urban and Transport Planning include:
– Integration and utilisation of data for sustainable urban and transport planning that improves social, economic and environmental conditions in Iskandar Malaysia;
– Improved understanding of the travel needs of different user groups, including children, youth, the elderly, women, persons with disabilities or impairments and other vulnerable groups;
– Environmentally sustainable connectivity and accessibility for all with reduced trip lengths and cost;
– Better understanding as to how to promote modal shift away from private motorised transport;
– Efficiency gains in urban and transport planning processes through a growing evidence- based approach; and
– Data sharing across different sectors and authorities for better co-ordination of urban and transport planning in line with the Programme objectives.
Stage 1: Develop a suitable SIMMS architecture and framework considering the perspectives of road users, road operators and SIMMS related service providers. In addition, ensure suitability by enabling service exchange between systems, integration of new systems to existing systems, device exchange between systems, uninterrupted communication between service elements, and provision of services in all applicable areas.
Stage 1A: Pilot Project to initiate (in a controlled manner) those initiatives that establish a foundation for the project while substantially de-risking it and the remaining stages. This will be achieved through learning from the data collected, technical, analytical, engineering, training, and integration activities of the slimmed-down SIMMS across the timeframe of the Pilot Project.
Stage 2: Deploy full version of SIMMS, with an expanded geographical scope of works from Stage 1A. This will include establishing a full SIMMS architecture, deploying new in-field equipment across an initial percentage of the road network, refitting existing assets, ongoing improved tactical management of the road network, refinement of data exchange platform, and on-going change management. The on-going performance and review of Stage 2 would further inform the implementation of Stage 3.
Stage 3+: Geographical expansion of the full version of SIMMS from Stage 2 with further refinements or enhancement. The on-going performance and review of Stage 3 would further inform the implementation of subsequent stages (geographic) until full implementation across Iskandar region is achieved within a 5-year period.
Feasibility Assessment Stage
Once the program concludes in December, the City must use the resources to implement the project.
• Optimisation of Iskandar Malaysia’s road network in terms of capacity and efficiency
• Minimisation of traffic congestion, GHG emissions, air and noise pollution
• Efficiency gains for private and public sector, as well as private individuals regarding travel times and cost
• Data-driven efficiency gains in the public sector in terms of mobility management
• Data collection to contribute to evidence-based urban and transport planning
Population of Iskandar Malaysia = 1.8 million people.
The Iskandar Malaysia interventions, with their heavy emphasis on urban transport, governance reform, and inclusivity, align the most with the above SDGs.
Financing, data collection, capacity building and implementation.
Project will go through approval process at National level after completion of Stage 1 and 1A as part of application for supporting funds.
US$0 Currently being estimated (expected by mid-August 2021).
To be determined
Entirely Publicly Financed
Will be committed after estimation of costs and finalisation of business plan (expected by mid-August 2021).
Conclude pilot projects, complete data collection and transport modeling, operational and business plan, capacity building.
Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA)
Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA)
Iskandar Puteri City Council (MBIP)
IRDA, and other agencies, have been a part of the Steering Committee and Technical Working Groups to review the various deliverables required for Stage 1 and 1A. In addition, they have shared data and supported data collection activities by the Development Partner appointed by the donor. The agencies are also working to evolve their data policy and governance frameworks to ensure open and shared data between agencies, and globally standardised formats for future data collection.
Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA)
Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA)
Iskandar Puteri City Council (MBIP)
No supporting documents included.