Flood Control is one of the main objectives of Ribeirão Perus Linear Park, in the Subprefeitura de Perus (subprefecture or borough of Perus), situated at extreme northwest region of the city of São Paulo. Once built, Ribeirão Perus Linear Park will be São Paulo’s very first flooding park or drainage park.
Located in the neighborhood of Vila Aurora, at upstream of Perus ’s central area, the “Núcleo Reservação”, or Reservation Nucleus, one of the five sections of the proposed park, is conceived as a flood control and flood prevention infrastructure to protect Peru’s lower areas from inundation.
The “Núcleo Reservação” project site an area of approx. 670.000 m2 (67 ha), distributed in a narrow valley along 1.200 meters of Perus Creek (Ribeirão Perus). For the storm water management purpose, the project includes the restoration, stabilization and protection of the existing stream and the construction of two dams. For general environmental regeneration purpose, it incorporates re-vegetation with native species, Atlantic Rain Forest enhancement and riparian ecosystem restoration.
The Comprehensive Plan for “Núcleo Reservação” is divided into 3 main sections. The top portion, next to the community of Curruíra Street in Vila Aurora Neighborhood, will be the social and cultural hub the park. It will provide public access, buildings for multiple uses, recreation fields and facilities for conservation and maintenance of the park and built structures.
The central portion of the park, between the constructed dams, will be the floodable “valley bottom”, where, during dry season, the expansive grassy valley plain can hold informal activities and, at the same time, allowing the riparian ecosystem to flourish; and, during rainy season, it can be flooded as a temporary storm water retention reservoir.
The lower portion the park, before the stream leaves the project site, will be “renaturalized” with landscape works to allow visitors to engage physical contact with the water. This section of the park will be the “hands-on” environmental education center, catering for not only the nearby residents and general visitors, but also local schools children, students and researchers.
The 3 sections of the park will tied together by the creek and a looping service road, used for monitoring and maintenance of the park and the storm water management, and as paths for park users and connection between activities.
One of the main objectives of Ribeirão Perus Liner Park is to prevent flooding in the Subprefeitura de Perus (Subprefecture, district or borough of Perus) region, especially in the District’s central area.
Furthermore, in a context where climate change and urbanization are factors that exert significant pressure on ecosystems, boosting some ecosystem services provided by the various categories of protected areas, green areas and open spaces, public or private, at local level, such as water regulation, temperature regulation and biodiversity protection.
Development of the initiative with inter-institutional collaboration of the City and the State of São Paulo and a broad public participation, including local residents, civil society and NGOs.
Due to the paradigm shifting nature of the project, public outreach and engagement are important parts of it. Prior to this, in order to develop the project, the City of São Paulo, through the Municipal Secretary of Green and Environment, acquired the land for the development of the Parque Linear Ribeirão Perus.
Construction process with a variety of participants, including minority owned companies.
In this phase it will be necessary to ensure the economic viability and the financial feasibility.
Initiate a Long Term Programming, Conservation and Management Process with financial security and participation of civil society.
Long term programming, conservation and management process with financial security and participation of civil society. This phase also includes the mobilization of additional funds, besides building and operationalizing the park infrastructure.
Feasibility Assessment Stage
Two years (+ one and 1/2 year for the design/consultation proces.
The Ribeirão Perus Linear Park, a combination of a major public green area with flood control, will be the first of its kind, at such scale and impact in the City of São Paulo. By introducing Blue Green Infrastructure into the traditional urban drainage system, it will be a paradigmatic shift from the existing engineering point of view and, specially, the cultural point of view.
The proposed project will contribute to economic development of Perus and the City by strengthening the concept of multi-use of public green areas and generating benefits from green economy, such as storm water management with reduction of flood risks, ecosystem services from the forested areas, micro climate regulation, environment related health and well-being and job opportunities for local and nearby population.
The Social Impact is expected to be enormous, because Perus (district), distant from the City’s central area and one of its poorest and populous peripheries, suffers from environmental impacts from past cement production and present land fills, as well as the scarcity of public green spaces as plazas or parks.
Because of the multi purpose nature of the project, the Governance of the future park is expected to be integrated, participative and local. It will empower local CADES (Counsel of Sustainable Development) and popular representation at Counsel for the park Management. It will also bring together local government and public agencies related to urban infrastructure, sanitation and storm water management, green and environment, sport and culture, education and health, etc. The project also intents engage the civil society, local and corporate businesses, and population into the process of design, construction, operation and management of the future park.
The project is expected to benefit directly nearby residents, estimated in 5.000 people, and visitors with opportunities for social and cultural activities, physical and sport practices, and environmental education. It will also benefit the population, estimated 20.000 people directly affected by seasonal flooding, as well and the mobility and regional transport system. Indirectly it will benefit the region of Perus (120.000 people) with climate regulation and biodiversity enrichment through massive native tree planting and stream and riparian ecosystem restoration.
The expansion and qualification of green areas and public open spaces are congruent with the goal of ensuring healthy living and promoting human well-being, as established in SDG 3 Health and Well-Being. Regarding SDG 11, referring to Sustainable Cities and Communities, the project will contribute to the goal of providing universal access to safe, inclusive, accessible, and green public spaces. The project is also linked to SDG 13 Action Against Global Climate Change, which has among its goals to promote effective planning and management mechanisms to propose measures to combat climate change and address its impacts, and to SDG 15 Terrestrial Life, which aims to protect, restore, and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, proposing, among other actions, to integrate the values of ecosystems and biodiversity in local planning.
The main risks identified are:
1. Political Risks:
2. Changes in political administration
3. Declining of political commitment to the project
Institutional Risks:
1. Lost of dynamism in inter-secretarial dialogue
2. Lost or misuse of focal points roles
Financial risks:
1. Funding shortfall
2. Delays with disbursement schedule.
Social Risks:
1. Limited community dialogue
2. Participatory disengagement
Environmental risks:
1. Severe weather events
2. Environmental impacts resulting from public works
For the time being there are no strategies defined for the identified risks.
Timing plays a crucial role in creating strong public support and civic engagement to ensure the continuity of the project. Recent experiences in the City of São Paulo have shown a pendular movement in the government policy decision making, where priorities and goals are cancelled until next election. However, there are less radical changes at local government level. We believe that because of its strong flood control component, Perus Linear Park project will have a very effective support from the population and the local government.
US$20,000,000 The overall cost including project development and construction is estimated in US$20,000,000.
Public Private Partnership
US$9,000,000 was spent for the acquisition of the area « Ribeirão Perus Linear Park ». The investment was made by the City of São Paulo, through SVMA, with allocation from the Special Fund for Environment and Sustainable Development - FEMA.
At the moment, there is no committed funding form the government for the development of the project and the construction of the park. Previously, USD 9 million were spent for the acquisition of the area « Ribeirão Perus Linear Park ». The investment was made by the City of São Paulo, through Municipal Secretary of Green and Environment - SVMA, with allocation from the Special Fund for Environment and Sustainable Development - FEMA.
STEP 0. Investment of USD 20 million for the Ribeirão Perus Linear Park Reservation Center
STEP 1. Development of the project with a wide public participation process including not only the population, but also the civil society. Because the paradigmatic shift character of the project, the publicization and public engagement are important parts of the project.
STEP 2. Initiate Construction Process with a variety of participants, including minority owned companies.
Ensure the economic viability and the financial feasibility.
STEP 3. Initiate a Long Term Programming, Conservation and Management Process with financial security and participation of civil society.
Mobilize additional funds
Build and operationalize the park infrastructure
The municipality is leading the project proposition, so will be fully involved in every step.
São Paulo City Secretary of Green and Environment (SVMA).
Not yet because the design has not been developed into advanced stage. Nevertheless, being a project of public park sponsored by the Municipal Secretary duly responsible (SVMA), the environmental licenses and permits review will be conducted within SVMA through participation and collaboration among its departments.
No supporting documents included.