The City of Kisumu’s “Integrated Strategic Urban Development (ISUD) Plan”, identified the Lakefront Area as a key asset for the city and proposed its development as an extension of the Central Business District (CBD). The land targeted for this expansion was owned by the Kenya Railway Corporation (KRC) who also planned to develop the land, on a commercial basis. In order to materialise the development of the area in a way that: benefits the city; presents economic gains for land owners and developers; and preserves the local economy that was active in part of the area; UN-Habitat prepared the Lakefront Development Advisory Plan and further analysed legislation and overall economic feasibility of the areas (see annex) . UN-Habitat also proposed the formation of Lakefront Development Corporation, a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) that would promote public and private sector investment and development of the lakefront. Upon assuming Office in 2018, the Governor of Kisumu, Professor Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, took up the recommendation of UN-Habitat and established the SPV known as Kisumu Lakefront Development Corporation (KLDC). The vehicle is currently seeking UN-Habitat support to operationalise the Advisory Plan and subsequently attract investors to the lakefront.
Geographical Scope: Total site = 1,300,000; Net land for construction = 600,000 sqm
Objective: To provide a spatial development framework with a business case that attracts investment
Preliminary Design and impressions
Feasibility Studies
Technical and Working Drawings and Plans & Quantities
Building Works
Concept Stage
10 years.
1). Feasibility Studies for various infrastructure components; 2)Funding Agreement.
Project will be aligned to UN-Habitat ESG.
Target beneficiaries are Kisumu residents; population being 1.2m people.
SDG 1: The project will improve livelihoods of local communities
SDG 6: Conservation of environmentally fragile ecosystems around the lake such as Dunga beach, swamps thereby enhancing water quality
SDG 7: Promotion of mobility through water transport reducing long distance trucking and carbon emission
SDG 8: Formal jobs created for local communities through emerging investments and trade
SDG 9: Potential for setting up innovative industrial activities by public and private sector. Infrastructure improvement resulting from planning and re-development.
SDG11: Spatially planned waterfront city generating revenues from local sources
SDG13: Reduced pollution, green and climate resilient city
SDG14: Protection from pollution of water fauna and flora
Political transition.
US$200,000,000 To be determined at the Feasibility Studies’ phase of the project.
Equity; Grant
Public Private Partnership
Kisumu County - US$10,000, UN-Habitat - US$40,000
• A full feasibility study including market analysis and business plan that will guide the scope, composition, and stages of implementation
• Meetings with local land owners
• Completion of detailed plans
• Refining the development strategies and establishing the financial, legal, and institutional mechanisms
• Full public participation process
• Formal County and City approval
• Analysis of costs for service provision to new population and maintenance of infrastructure in relation to income from taxes and fees for services
County Government of Kisumu
1. Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development & Public Works
2) Ministry of Land and Physical Planning
3) Ministry of Devolution 4) National Treasury
City of Kisumu
Kisumu Lakfront Development Corporation (KLDC)
National Environment Management Authority; Special Planning Area Declaration.
No supporting documents included.