As part of the Japan funded project “Strengthening the Social Stability and Resilience of Vulnerable Jordanian Communities and Syrian Refugees in Amman Against Flash Floods”, UN-Habitat has prepared a Flood Risk Assessment and Hazard Mapping Study for Downton Amman. The study identified short, medium and long term actions that need to be implemented to reduce the risk of flash floods in the city. Within the framework of the project UN-Habitat will be implementing a small scale sustainable drainage intervention including a bio- retention area and underground storm water tank. However, the study recognized the need to to implement a long term large infrastructure project such as attenuation ponds and diverting stormwater runoff coming from parts of west Amman away from down town area. On the other hand, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) developed a Green City Action plan for Amman (GCAP), as part of the city’s involvement in the EBRD Green Cities programme. In alignment with the above findings, the GCAP stressed also the need to address flash floods issue in Amman and prioritized an action for developing water conveyance and/or storage to reduce flood risk in critical areas by 50% by 2040.
The project is focusing on developing a conveyance or storage system which will divert floodwaters from flooding critical areas at risk in Amman’s downtown area with the aim of reducing the risk of flash floods on the city of Amman.
Hydrological and hydraulic modeling
Conceptual design
Feasibility study and EIA
Detailed design and Construction Document
Concept Stage
Flash floods became a serious problem in Jordan due to rapid unplanned urbanization, insufficient capacity of drainage systems and climate change ramifications. In 2018, flash floods caused losses of lives and damage to private properties and urban infrastructure, particularly in Amman. The proposed project seeks to reduce flood risk on the city and is expected to have social and economic benefits, including but not limited to, improving the security and safety of vulnerable population, improving access to basic services, enhancing the public realm, providing revenue generating activities, reducing economic damages and promoting economic inclusion. The project has been identified by Greater Amman Municipality as one of the long term solutions to address flooding problem in Amman and is part of an integrated set of short, medium and long term interventions that can together control and eliminate the risk of flooding in critical areas in Amman.
The project will benefit population of Amman (Jordanians and refugees), particularly those who are vulnerable to flash floods in critical areas.
The project contributes to SDG 5: Achieve gender equality by empowering all women and girls and giving them equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with national laws.
It seeks also to contribute to SDG 6 by addressing water scarcity in Jordan and supporting and strengthening the participation of local communities in improving water management. Moreover, it contributes to SDG 11 and SDG13 by strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries, by Integrating climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning and by Improving education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning and aims to build more resilient city to disasters including flash floods.
This project is in line with Jordan National Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy (2019) endorsed by Government of Jordan, where flash floods were identified as the second priority with maximum hazard of all risks. It is also informed by the urgency of sustaining social stabilization in Amman”, The political will to implement the project from Amman is confirmed and the project has been listed in the Amman Green City Action Plan, prepared by EBRD and officially launched by Greater Amman Municipality in June 2021.
Public Private Partnership
UN-Habitat flash flood risk assessment and hazard mapping study, $50,000. Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management (INWRDAM)-Pre-feasibility study and design. USAID.
1. Select project location.
2. Prepare conceptual design for the intervention.
3. Conduct life cycle assessment and environmental impact assessment of the project and target area.
4. Prepare the detailed design for the project, BoQs and tendering documents.
Greater Amman Municipality (GAM).
Provide overall technical guidance and supervision.
Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MoWI)
Secretary General
Jordan Valley Authority (JVA)
Secretary General
Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management (INWRDAM)
No supporting documents included.